pizza dough vs bread dough

Have you thought about pizza dough vs bread dough? There are actually a number of differences between the two types, but they also have some things in common.

If you are interested in making your own bread and/or pizza, you’ll definitely want to keep reading. In this article we will take a close look at each kind of dough.


When looking at pizza dough vs bread dough, you’ll find that the ingredients are similar but not identical. While they both contain flour, there is a lot more in pizza dough.

Both types of dough can be made using bread flour, which contains a high amount of protein. You can also use all-purpose flour when making bread dough.

One of the main differences is that making bread typically requires butter and eggs. Pizza dough can be made with just water, flour, leavening, oil and salt.

There are lots of other ingredients that you can use when making pizza dough, but it’s not really necessary. Most of the flavor comes from the toppings that you use.


It is absolutely crucial that you learn about kneading pizza dough vs bread dough. Keep in mind that bread usually demands lengthier and more intense kneading than pizza.

One of the reasons that the kneading process is so important with pizza dough is the gluten content. It needs lots of gluten in order to be flexible enough for easy shaping later on. While bread does typically contain gluten, it isn’t quite as essential.

Extensive kneading is required with bread dough. This expands the gluten, which is needed to make it rise properly. It also helps make the dough light and airy, which is always a good thing.

You should only have to spend one to six minutes kneading pizza dough. Be careful when it comes to over kneading, as this can result in a less than ideal texture. This should be done with a rolling pin for the best possible results.

If you knead your bread dough by hand, it can take up to 20 minutes. You can choose to use a dough maker, which will cut that time in about half. If you are in the lookout for dough maker, read our article on the best dough maker.


Bread dough definitely has a much higher moisture content compared to pizza dough. This makes sense when you consider that bread must rise quite a bit. Pizza dough on the other hand doesn’t need as much moisture because it is generally flatter.

Hydration levels for bread dough can vary from 60 to 90 percent. Too much moisture in pizza dough can cause problems with shaping it properly. It will also be more prone to burning. You also need to consider that hydration has a huge impact on the amount of time it takes to fully bake the dough.


One of the similarities of pizza dough vs bread is that both need to be given time to rise at room temperature. Pizza doesn’t need nearly as much time as bread. The only exception would be if you were making sourdough pizza.

You have the option of putting either type of dough in your refrigerator for quite a while. A vast majority of people bake their bread the same day, as this is considered ideal. Pizza dough should be kept in the fridge for a period of 24 hours prior to baking.


pizza dough vs bread dough

Before you can begin baking any type of dough, there is a certain amount of prep work that must be done. Bread dough has to be shaped properly so it fits just right in the loaf pan.

Pizza dough should be rolled into a smooth ball. You will, however, need to also using a rolling pin to flatten the dough. Roll it out into a very thin layer. After it rises the first time, it has to be rolled into a ball again and left to rise a second time.

You can actually let bread dough rise up to three separate times. It needs to be flattened after every single rise in order to create uniform bubbles. This is a crucial step to follow if you want your bread to turn out perfectly.


When it comes to actually baking your bread, there are a few things that you will need to consider. Pizza dough is baked at a significantly higher temperature than regular bread.

Whereas pizza is traditionally made on a stone, bread can be baked using a pot or loaf pan. Certain types of breads, including sourdough, are actually baked on a stone.

You can bake bread dough at a temperature of 350 to 475 degrees Fahrenheit, or 180 to 246 degrees Celsius. If you bake it at 350 degrees, you’ll want to leave it in the oven for approximately 30 minutes.

If you cook pizza dough at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll only have to wait about 15 minutes. Make sure that the crust is thoroughly cooked through. Whether you are making bread or pizza dough, it is very important that you preheat the oven.

Can You Use Bread Dough When Making Pizza?

There are certain situations in which bread dough can actually be used to make pizza. The dough must not contain any butter, milk, or eggs. This will most likely result in the bread getting burned. So make sure that the dough you use is very basic with just the essential ingredients.

Interestingly enough, the reverse is also true. You can in fact use pizza dough when making regular bread.

In fact, it can be used to make lots of different types of bread, such as buns for hamburgers. Feel free to use a variety of ingredients to enhance the flavor of the bread.

Pizza Dough vs. Bread Dough: Final Thoughts

While there are a lot of similarities when it comes to pizza dough vs bread dough, they aren’t exactly the same. Pizza dough has a much simpler makeup in terms of ingredients.

Bread dough requires more ingredients and a longer kneading time. There is a lot more room for experimentation with bread, but both are relatively easy to make.