How to Cook a Small Prime Rib Roast

If you are planning an intimate get-together or just want to cook a meal for your family, prime rib is an excellent choice. It is a delicious entree that just about everyone will enjoy.

Many people are hesitant to make this dish at home, but it really isn’t all that difficult. In this article we will take you step by step through how to cook a small prime rib roast.


One of the reasons that a lot of people never make prime rib is because they think it is prohibitively expensive. The truth is that you can typically buy it at your local grocery store for about $10 to $12 per pound. While it isn’t the cheapest cut of meat, it is definitely worth splurging on from time to time.

Selecting the Right Amount

It is important that you know how much prime rib meat to purchase. A full section usually consists of seven individual ribs. You can, however, choose to buy less if you go to your local butcher.

We recommend buying one pound for every family member or guest. If you’re planning on making a large meal with lots of other dishes, you can probably make do with a half pound for each person.

Bone-in vs. Boneless

You will also need to decide whether you want to purchase bone-in or boneless prime rib. A lot of people in the culinary community claim that bone-in ribs offer more flavor and tend to turn out better after cooking.

When buying bone-in prime rib, make sure that you have the butcher remove the bone. They will attach it to the roast so you can use them as a rack for the meat to sit on while they are cooking. If you opt for boneless ribs, you should use a rack for roasting.

Temperature and Time

Before you decide on a temperature or time for cooking your meat, you’ll need to decide how you like it. This is one of the most important things to learn for how to cook a small prime rib roast. You should begin cooking at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

If you prefer your prime rib rare, you’ll want to lower the temp to 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 minutes for each pound. Medium rare requires cooking for 13 to 14 minutes at the most. If you want it medium well, you’ll need to keep the meat in the oven for about 15 minutes.

It is definitely a good idea to use a meat thermometer when cooking prime rib. This simple and inexpensive item will let you know when it is cooked through.

Keep cooking the prime rib until it reaches a temperature of:

• Rare: 115 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit
• Medium Rare: 125 to 130 degrees
• Medium: 135 to 140 degrees
• Medium well: 145 to 150 degrees

Also, you need a good roasting pan. Not sure which is the best roasting pan for prime rib? No worries, I have written a thorough review article to show you how to find the best roasting pan for prime rib on the market. Just check it out!


You’ll need to have the following ingredients ready:

• Beef prime rib (up to five pounds)
• Olive oil
• Fresh thyme
• Paprika
• Rosemary
• Onion powder
• Garlic powder
• Ground pepper
• Salt

Step by Step Guide to Making Prime Rib

How to Cook a Small Prime Rib Roast

Next we will go through the entire process of how to cook a small prime rib roast. Just follow these simple and easy steps.

1.Prepare the Meat

First you will need to prepare the prime rib by allowing it to sit on your kitchen countertop for an hour. You’ll want to get it down to room temperature. Feel free to use a meat thermometer to make sure of this.

Once you have done this, you can begin seasoning the meat. There are many different rubs that you can make quickly and easily to put on your prime rib before cooking it.

Simply combine a little bit of salt, ground pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, rosemary, fresh thyme, paprika, and olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the rub to the meat all over.

If you have a bone-in prime rib roast, the bones should facing down in the oven. A boneless rib should be put on a rack inside of a pan.

2.Start Cooking

The next step is to begin actually cooking your roast. Start out at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes. Then lower the temp to 325 degrees. You can take it out of the oven once it is within 5 to 10 degrees of your target temperature. Please refer to the Temperature and Time section above for more detailed information.

3.Let it Sit

It is very important that you allow the roast to sit for approximately 30 minutes once you take it out of the oven. The roast will keep cooking for the last 5 to 10 degrees.

This step is absolutely crucial, as it ensures that all the meat absorbs all of the juices. This will give you the best possible flavor and texture for your roast.


You can now serve the fully cooked prime rib roast. If you have a bone-in roast, you will need to take out the bones prior to carving.

When it comes to carving, there are a couple of things you should remember. Make certain that you are cutting against the grain of the meat. This will make your roast easier and more enjoyable for everyone to eat. Also, mind your fingers during this process so you don’t have any acecidents.

You’ll notice that there will be some sauce surrounding the meat. We recommend taking a spoon and pouring it on the roast. This should give it a little bit of extra flavor. This juice can also be used for making delicious gravy, which is definitely something to consider.


Prime rib is one of the best tasting and easiest dishes you can make at home. Remember to purchase the right amount of meat. It’s always better to have a little bit extra than not enough. You now know how to cook a small prime rib roast, which everyone in your household will be very thankful for.