Hello, my name is Michelle and I’d like to start off by saying that if you have found your way onto my website, and you happen to be looking for all the details on the best current kitchenware and cookware, then you are definitely in the right place.

But before getting into too much detail about my site, I wanted to start by introducing you to me.

I think that people are tired of taking advice and reading reviews from faceless online personalities and so I want to make sure that everyone reading my website knows a bit about me.

Let’s begin by talking a bit about me. I’m going to start by letting you in on a little secret, I don’t have any formal qualifications to be reviewing kitchenware. I have not worked in a restaurant (although I have certainly eaten in quite a few) nor have I ever designed kitchenware myself.

So, you may ask, why make this website, and why write reviews? Well, I have always been the “cook” in my family. Even when I was younger, I would always be cooking things for my family and when I eventually had a family of my own, that tradition continued.

I enjoy doing things in the kitchen and over the years I have gotten a pretty good grasp of what makes certain pieces of kitchenware good and what makes certain pieces not so good.

When I am not working on this site or one of my many other projects, I can be found reading, walking my dogs, or just generally enjoying the amazing San Jose weather.

What Drove Me To Start This Site

One of the biggest reasons why I decided to start this site is because I noticed a worrying trend in the world of kitchenware.

It used to be that you could walk into a department store or kitchen supply store and find reasonably priced, high-quality pieces of kitchenware. With the rise of Amazon and online shopping, it is a lot more difficult to find good pieces of kitchenware without breaking the bank.

This is because there are lot of fake brands out there peddling pieces of junk. My goal is to sort through the absolute endless mountain of kitchenware out there to find the best gems so that you can just click “buy” and move on with your life.

I know that I eventually got tired of constantly having to send back kitchenware that I bought (or just straight up tossing it in the trash) because it just wasn’t good.

So, I hope that my site can help to prevent many of you out there from suffering the same sort of frustration. I know that is quite the lofty goal, but if I can help even just one frustrated homemaker out there, then I will be more than happy.

What Sorts Of Content You Will Find Here

But that’s enough about me, let’s move on and start talking about what types of content you are going to find on my site. The main part of my kitchenware site is dedicated to product reviews.

I don’t just review individual products however, mainly as I don’t find that style of review to be very helpful.

I find that most people, much like me, prefer to be provided with a variety of different options that they can pick from. So, I decide to base my reviews around that idea.

I usually pick a single “theme” (such as the top pot sets under $100 or the best stovetops on the market) and then I go from there. I will do some researching and pick a bunch of products that fit the theme of the article. I then do a fairly deep dive into each product.

Finally, I use what I have gathered to write an honest review of the kitchenware. If I have done my job correctly, the reader will be able to find a few kitchenware products that they are interested in giving a try.

I am also a big believer in not being overly negative. Generally, I filter out most products that are just cheap knockoffs or that I know aren’t going to work well (think the types of cheap products from no-name brands that you see littering Amazon these days). So, for the products that I do end up reviewing, I try to avoid just being positive or negative.

I generally try to find at least a few good things or a few bad things about each product that I review. Now, I do end up liking some products more than others, but I don’t want my readers to get the impression that I am trying to “sell” them on any particular piece of kitchenware.

But reviews aren’t the only type of content that I make. I also like to take a break from just reviewing products and go into some detail on what I think makes certain products worth taking a look at and what makes some products worth avoiding.

Now, as I said at the start of this about-me, I am not any sort of an expert by any means, but I do have quite a bit of experience and I enjoy sharing that. For convenience’s sake, I often include these detailed deep dives alongside my reviews.

Wrapping Things Up

I feel like I have spoken enough, and you are probably eager to start checking out the rest of my site.

I encourage you all to check out at least one article. Some of you may be skeptical, but I think everyone will be able to find something on my site that piques their interest.

If you don’t happen to find anything that appeals to you, try and make sure to check back in the future. I am always finding new products to review and new kitchenware topics to discuss, so you never know when something that is up your alley might get posted!